Experimental Resources

This page lists a number of resources useful for experimental networking research.


Below is a selection of prominent testbeds that are still active as of today and currently used for networking research.

Core networking
Mobile and wireless
Decommissioned testbeds

Maintaining a reliable, operational, and large-scale testbed is highly challenging for various reasons. Many testbeds that were once widely used in the community have reached the end of their service, such as PlanetLab, GENI, PhoneLab, and Pantheon.

Simulators and emulators

Network simulators and emulators provide a controlled environment for development and testing. Compared with real testbeds, experiments conducted in simulation and emulation are more repeatable, scalable, and cost-efficient. In the meantime, however, they can be overly simplistic and may not accurately capture real-world scenarios.

What's the difference between network simulators and emulators? Network simulators aim to reproduce the performance of a network by creating an abstract model of relevant network elements. They do not interact with real network equipment, applications, or traffic. In contrast, network emulators mimic the operation of real networks and can interface with actual hardware and software. Generally, network emulation is considered more realistic than simulation, though real-world experiments are always preferred when feasible.

Below is a list of common network simulators and emulators:

Measurement data

There is an abundance of publicly available network measurement datasets: